1 year access

CME Subscription
$ 60
  • 1 year of access to our full course library
  • Unlimited course attempts and repeats
  • Certificates of completion provided
  • Access via computer, tablet, or mobile device
  • No hidden fees
Easy Access

Your subscription allows access to all of our courses for your entire subscription period.

You are free to return and review or complete courses as much as you like on your mobile device, tablet, or computer.

You Are Covered

Our courses are professionally reviewed and accredited for use as paramedic continuing education in a number of provinces across Canada.

Check our Course Library for details about the approved continuing education credits for each of our courses.

We Are Local

Unlike other online medical education providers, we’re local.

With information and protocols relevant to Canadian healthcare providers, you can make the most out of your online learning.

Our content is based on the National Occupational Competency Profile (NOCP) set by the Paramedic Association of Canada.


Does your organization employ prehospital providers?

We offer discounts for organizations that purchase bulk subscriptions!